The Diagnosis:
To access the Hard Drive Test tool on a TiVo Premiere XL:
- Unplug the TiVo power supply and wait 15 seconds
- Replug the power supply into the tivo
- Watch the lights on the tivo. The Green light should turn on then a yellow light for about 10 secondsat the 58 second mark.
- Press the pause button on the remote for about 2 seconds
- The yellow light will go solid briefly and the kickstart code needs to be entered quickly
- Press 54
- The green and yellow lights will alternate flashing between green and yellow signifying the code has been accepted.
- Once the test program starts to press down once for the SMART line to be selected with an arrow to the left
- Press select
The program will now run through many tests. On my TiVo, fail 7 was shown. for the short and long tests.
The Fix:
Burn the CD and place in the cd drive. Make sure the source tivo is the first drive plugged in and the destination drive in the second.
Boot from the CD and start running the program. There are 3 options. Copy, Expand, And Super. The copy portion should be run first to do a copy from the original TiVo hard drive to the replacement. (OPTIONAL) Once that is complete run the expand portion to minimize the available room for advertisements.
Then boot the TiVo again and start the Kickstart 57 with the new hard drive in the TiVo to repair and fix any bad data as well as reinstall the OS.
The process took about an hour to research, 1 hour to backup recorded shows to another TiVo, 5 minutes to pull the hardware together, 6 hours to copy the data, 5 minutes to reinstall the hard drive and plug back in, and 6 hours unattended to reinstall the OS and fix the bad data.
It was interesting learning how the TiVo works and it was worth it. But if I wanted to save some time I could have purchased a kit from which would have cost around $150 ( ) or had them do everything.